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The Life of a Soldier on Guard in Ukraine's War

  The Life of a Soldier on Guard in Ukraine's War   The life of a soldier is marked by a series of contrasts: moments of intense action followed by periods of vigilant waiting. In the context of Ukraine's ongoing conflict, these experiences are heightened by the constant threat of danger even after the most brutal gun battles have ceased. The soldiers who stand guard over their positions face a reality that is both physically and mentally taxing.   For soldiers on the front lines, sleep is often a luxury they cannot afford. The night may bring a brief respite from the visual horrors of war, but the sounds of shelling can last until dawn, disrupting any chance of restful sleep. The duty of standing guard is a round-the-clock responsibility, with shifts that change as frequently as the tides of battle. For some, an abandoned structure may provide temporary shelter; for others, a hastily dug trench in the forest is the only protection against the elements and the enemy.   The